22/3/2006 13:56 |
A few thoughts / corrections on Jerome Dillon's latest press attempt to create interest in his project: First, the facts: I was impressed with his demos that ended up being his record. I thought the choice of using Claudia was fantastic - I love her voice. I did not offer to produce his record. I did not attempt or ask to use any of his tracks for the "Tapeworm" project (which was long dead by the time I heard his music). His recollection of the events leading to his departure from the band is once again inaccurate.
Now I venture into commentary: Jerome continuously has to see himself as the victim in all circumstances. He lives in a world where he is always being wronged by someone or something. That could be me, that could be management, that could be his drum tech, that could be the girl who mistakenly washed his permanent press designer jeans, that could be the person that didn't cook his chicken properly before the show, or that could be the record label that wont give him tour support for his new band to play a show. On that topic, what in the hell do you need tour support for? You're a new band with no record sales yet... do what any new band does - practice in the garage, pack your shit in the car, play a goddamned show and quit whining about it. p.s. You look like an asshole in your picture.
tout ca tiré de la section tr d'hier soir. on peut voir avec la derniere phrase que rien ne va plus avec Jerome. bref. |
22/3/2006 14:46 |
[03_21_2006] OK enough! Your 15 minutes are up! It DID make for some interesting BB reading on an otherwise dull day, though. But seriously, if you're going to throw some punches you may get hit back. Fuck the "high ground" - this is the internet, remember?
22/3/2006 16:19 |
dans la première partie, il fait référence à quoi? la dernière phrase ça pourrait etre "t'as l'air d'un trou de c.. sur la photo"? |
22/3/2006 16:36 |
c en reponse au recent article sur mtv |
22/3/2006 16:54 |
Que disait-il cet article ? |
22/3/2006 17:19 |
22/3/2006 19:49 |
je viens de lire ca et le post sur ETS où même Charlie Clouser semble se mettre de la partie pour casser le père Trent, en tout cas sur ETS ils sont dans tous les états A mourrir de rire |
22/3/2006 21:18 |
Oh putain le charlie clouser a tout laché sur ETS !!!!
23/3/2006 10:26 |
c un vrai ok corral, on veut absolument que Trent réponde à tout ca, je veux un épisode chaque jour |
23/3/2006 10:33 |
merde le post a disparu ?? trent a du vraiment en avoir marre |
5/4/2006 19:17 |
Heu :s quelqu'un pourrait m'abrégé en français ce qui s'est passé, parce que l'anglais pour moi c'est une énigme et malgrès mes eforts (!!) j'ai pas tout compris ...lol? |
6/4/2006 1:03 |
Comme j'ai dit ninforum a tout traduit, bientot je recompilerais ca sur la page dediée ninfrance, par contre pas question de resumer |